Get ready for Juke and "SpaceForce". His recently released album is ready to be download from Apple Itunes platform. Listen and download the fourteen tracks and 51 minutes off "SpaceForce". you will be impressed. Juke's radio rotation will be a great one. The songs include: "The Driveway, Astronaut, Stmtrooper aka Juke Skywalker, TakeOFF (feat. Bigos), Desire (feat. KI), better off, Timelapse, Entering Earth Interlude, Contraband, ET (feat. BvckwxxdSupreme), A Message Lost in Space Interlude, Water Bearer and Restless".

This record is great, the favorite track is "Driveway". This connected on some many levels. It simply reminded Longe's Staff of how some people just do not mind their d#mn business and you can be cool all by yourself. The chorus is everything "when people give you shade because you're doing something with yourself".
Short info:
The first Jedi fights through genZTo which likely creates Alpha Better Off Storm trooper aka Juke skywalker Time lapses his desire as an astronaut From the driveway to take off Entering earth interlude E.T Never count me out Waterbearer is Restless-A Message lost in space.
Download album here:

Social media links
#jukeboxswag, #juke, #spaceforce #The Driveway, #Astronaut, #Stmtrooper aka Juke Skywalker, #TakeOFF (feat. Bigos), #Desire (feat. KI), #BetterOFF, #Timelapse, #Entering Earth Interlude, #Contraband, #ET (feat. BvckwxxdSupreme), #A Message Lost in Space Interlude, #Water Bearer, #Restless