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Coachella will not be seeking Solange Knowles.

Solange Knowles is passing up the year's greatest music celebration - Coachella - on the grounds that her band individuals were dropping like flies from ailment.

Sources near generation tell TMZ ... individuals from Solange's band began becoming ill, and she couldn't locate the correct blend of substitutions. We're disclosed to Solange experimented with a few unique artists, yet it simply didn't work ... for the most part in light of the fact that Solange and co. couldn't make sense of how to function in all the new pieces.

We're told Solange didn't feel like she could convey an incredible show for Coachella ... what's more, she eventually chose to pull the attachment. Our sources additionally state she told a group of individuals she didn't need a pathetic show.

Solange - who discharged her new collection, "When I Get Home" a month ago - was planned to perform close by Kid Cudi, Weezer, Tame Impala, J Balvin and Aphex Twin. We're advised she's crushed she needed to drop.

As you probably are aware, her sister, Beyonce, additionally dropped as a Coachella main event, however her reason was distinctive ... she was pregnant with twins.

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