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Submit your music to DJ/Clubs/Radio and reports in 7 days
Digital DJ Reports Longe Magazine & Distribution

Submit your music to DJ/Clubs/Radio and reports in 7 days

Typically, musicians will receive tracking after 7-10 days, but if you wait until 15 days, you'll get a better result! The combination of SKY.FM, SomaFM, AccuRadio, and others, which are the world's largest independent Internet Club terrestrial radio networks promote music! All serious musicians should be found here.

With the combined community of thousands of broadcasters and millions of listeners, the Network is the perfect tool to reach new and existing audiences. Get your music into the hands and ears of 5,000 Internet Club terrestrial radio DJs. Do your submission the right way so you can be included. .MP3 MUST have a bitrate of 320 kbps - If not, the project will be rejected!! Or you can pay an extra 5.00 for the conversion. 10.00 includes 1 Song submission and Proof of submission. Please note it takes 10-15 days for results.


Get the Radio/DJ/Club Reports!

Last modified on Thursday, 27 April 2023 15:27
(26 votes)

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