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5 Entertainment Trends to Watch Out For in 2022
5 Entertainment Trends to Watch Out For in 2022 Longe Magazine & Distribution

5 Entertainment Trends to Watch Out For in 2022

In 2022, we will see an explosion of new technologies that will change how people interact with each other and the world around them. Here are five trends to keep an eye on.


Virtual Reality Will Continue To Grow In Popularity.
Virtual reality (VR) has been growing in popularity since its introduction in the 1990s. It allows users to immerse themselves into a completely different environment by using a headset that displays computer-generated images. VR headsets are available for both mobile devices and desktop computers.

Augmented Reality Will Be More Commonplace Than You Think.
In addition to VR, there are other emerging technologies that will continue to gain traction in the coming years. One such technology is augmented reality (AR). AR uses real-world objects to enhance what we see on our smartphones. This includes things like overlaying text onto an image, adding 3D models to photos, and more.

The Internet Of Things Will Become Even Bigger And Better.
As the internet of things continues to evolve, so too does its impact on society. We’re seeing new devices emerge that allow us to interact with the world around us in ways never before possible. These devices range from smart speakers to wearable tech to even drones.

Streaming Services Will Take Over TV Viewing.
In 2022, streaming services will overtake traditional television viewing as the primary source of entertainment. This shift has been underway for some time now, but it’s only going to accelerate. By 2022, Netflix alone will account for more than half of all US streaming service subscriptions.

Video Games Will Continue To Evolve.
As technology continues to evolve, so too does gaming. Virtual reality headsets are becoming increasingly popular, allowing people to immerse themselves in an entirely new world. Augmented reality games are also growing in popularity, with companies like Pokémon Go using AR to bring players into the real world.

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